Aura DS instance creation
Aman Singh
Hi, this is now complete
Aman Singh
Hi Rhys Ryan please navigate back to the classic console to create a DS instance. We're looking to implement GDS on Aura Professional instances early January which will provide an alternative to AuraDS.
Rhys Ryan
Aman Singh Thanks so much. I don't need a DS instance right away so glad to hear that in January it'll be handled. Question - when you implement GDS, will you have it integrated into AuraDB or will there be a choice to create a DB and a DS? I would love it if it would all be just one with everything integrated, so much easier. Happy holidays.
Aman Singh
Rhys Ryan AuraDB Professional will have an option to add Graph Data Science as an additional configuration, so it'll be integrated. We're working on expanding this to Business Critical and other tiers in the future, however we also have a serverless offering (Aura Data Analytics) which is in early access for Business Critical / Virtual Dedicated Cloud customers. More in this in the new year.