
AuraDB Virtual Dedicated Cloud

Read-Only Secondaries Early Access Program open!

The Neo4j product team is excited to announce the Early Access Program (EAP) for Read-Only Secondaries is now open for all AuraDB Enterprise customers running Neo4j v5.
This feature sees the ability for customers to add Read-Only Secondaries to their Aura database instances for the first time. The main use case we are serving at EAP is for customers with a need for high Read throughput, to distribute those read queries.
Scope of the EAP
  • Up to 15 static Read-Only Secondaries can be added per AuraDB Enterprise database instance.
  • Single region only. Read-Only secondaries available in same region as their Primary database.
  • The following routing policy will apply when at least one secondary is available: Route READ to secondaries + non-leader primaries. This policy extends the READ payload to the primaries that are not currently serving in an elected leader role. It allows to further balance the READ and improve scalability
  • Available for all clouds (AWS, Azure & GCP)
  • During EAP each Secondary is will consume credits at ⅓ (‘a third’) of the normal running rate of an AuraDB Enterprise database. We reserve the right to adjust this once the feature is made generally available.
We will not support use cases for isolated workloads (customer routing) or multi region replication at this time, but will be gathering feedback on those use cases during EAP.
If you would like to register interest in our Early Access program, please complete the sign-up form here and we'll be in touch to discuss!
For more information, please reach our to your Account Team.
Neo4j Aura Product Team