We are excited to introduce Organizations and User Management to enhance the functionality and management of your Aura service. This release is the first of many in 2024 aimed at improving the Aura user experience.
User Management: Simplifying Access Control
User Management is a new feature that allows you to grant and manage access to your Aura Organization and its tenants.
  • Current Capabilities:
    Assign roles (admin, member, viewer) to users at the console level.
  • Upcoming Features:
    Future updates will enable auto-connection to the database using console roles.
Note for Cloud Marketplace Users:
Aura users accessing the console through a cloud marketplace integration will see a separate organization. All users after the first admin connecting to the Aura tenant will be required to invite colleagues via the Console UI, rather than allowing access from the marketplace punch-out.
For detailed information, visit our documentation.
Organizations: A New Layer in Aura Account Hierarchy
Organizations are a new layer in the Aura account hierarchy that sits above Tenants (Projects). This feature allows you to better organize and manage multiple tenants under a single organization.
Initial Setup:
  • At launch, each New organization will contain a default tenant named "New tenant."
  • Future updates will enable the creation of additional tenants, allowing you to manage access to instances more effectively.
How to Rename Your Organization or Tenant:
  1. Click on the tenant name within the organization/tenant menu to ensure you are accessing the correct tenant or organization.
  2. Hover over the name of the organization or tenant.
  3. Click the pencil icon that appears and edit the name inline.