Split Compute and storage costs?
in progress
Jack Ingoldsby
I have an exercise I'm considering (an enhanced MusicBrainz Neo4j db).
I want to avoid having to manage the database, but I envisage my model will have a lot of nodes and edges, periodic updates, but I don't anticipate actually running that many queries and those that I do run will not be very involved.
Are there any plans to split the compute vs storage costs for the managed service the way that Snowflake does? The combined model I'm seeing at the moment actually makes it more attractive to use AWS, at least from a cost point of view.
Aman Singh
in progress
Aman Singh
Merged in a post:
It would be nice to expand only the instance Storage
I really like Neo4j and the Aura service makes it reliable and easy to deploy in Production.
My only feedback is the impeditive price, it can become too expansive. I'm founder and CTO of a brazilian education startup, Jovens Gênios, to make kids learning better and more engaging.
We current have about 200k nodes and 4M relationships in our Neo4j graph. To make it run on Neo4j Aura we need, at least, to use a 4GB/0.8 CPU/8GB instance, that costs $259.20/month. And we are almost having to switch to the next instance category and the conversion to brazilian currency makes it a no go for us.
But we only have to switch because we need more than 8 GB to storage our Graph, the ammount of RAM and CPU is fine. It would be nice if we could only pay for more storage space.
John Kennedy
Hello, all,
By way of update, we are currently evaluating increasing the disk sizes we allocate for AuraDB Professional instances, while keeping the RAM and CPU at the current sizes.
We hope to have updates on this effort early in 2023.
John Kennedy
Hello Jack Ingoldsby,
thanks for your patience. We are evaluating alterations to the resource sizing for AuraDB Professional instances.
Near term that might look like more disk per instance, but longer term we do believe there will be an auto scaling experience in the service.
John Kennedy
Merged in a post:
More storage
Paul DeCoursey
Would like instance sizes with more storage but not with more memory
John Kennedy
Hello costa.fernando@jovensgenios.com thank you for reaching out to us, and thank you for the level of detail, I have a clear understanding of your needs.
I read from this that you are running your load currently on a graph elsewhere, maybe self hosted, that leads you to understand and know that your CPU and RAM requirements are below that offered at the higher tier.
I'd love to hear more about that, and if you have time I'd appreciate hearing from you via e-mail, you can get hold of me at john.kennedy@neo4j.com.
Providing a feature to allow storage to increase independently would come with some incremental cost if we were to implement it.