Hello all,
We are pleased to announce the release of Neo4j Ops Manager version 1.2!
This version is available to download for Enterprise Edition self-managed customers from the download page.
New and improved in this release are:-
Upgrade manager
  • Ability to view guided walkthrough plans for upgrades and migrations for a selected DBMS
  • Ability to specify parameters for upgrade plan (backup directory, new Neo4j home etc.)
  • Ability to view and copy code snippets for performing upgrade tasks
  • Ability to view relevant documentation for an update step
  • Ability to track and save progress in plan
Neo4j 5 compatibility
  • This release includes support for the newly released Neo4j 5
UI improvements
  • Colours for metrics charts are now chosen from a fixed palette to improve distinguishability
  • Information provided for all metrics
  • Aliases for databases displayed in Status table view
We hope you enjoy our latest release, and look forward to hearing your feedback.
Team Ops-Manager.